Saturday, January 29, 2011

Brazillian Blowout Charlotte, North Carolina

The French and their allies in Spain 1808-1814

Another book of Maestro Jose Maria Bueno and edited by Falcata Editions. Curious book by the particularity of the French uniform in peninsular lands and also for the curious correalización Good and Henry Achard. The fact that this edition is in English and English also gives a special point to the book. It also gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe participation of other nations in that war in the world without being called so welcomed people of different nationalities as some other post. It also includes films formed by English troops who were supporting the Napoleonic army.
is a classic for all those uniformalogía fans this time and reference, like so many for whom we like the model that reproduces the soldiers faced in those years.
This edition of "The French and their allies" is printed in Madrid in 1996.


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