"The disease is a conflict between the personality and soul. " Dr. Bach
often ...
Colds "drips" when the body does not cry.
Sore throat "plugs" when it is not possible to communicate afflictions.
stomach "burns" when rabies fail out.
Diabetes "invade" when loneliness hurts.
The body "fattening" dissatisfaction when pressed.
Headache "depressed" when doubts increase.
The heart "war" when the meaning of life seems to end.
The "allergy" appears when perfectionism is intolerable.
Nails "break" when the defenses are threatened.
Chest "click" when enslaves pride.
pressure "up" when fear imprisons.
Neuroses "paralyze" when the inner child bullying.
fever "warm" when exploit border defenses of immunity.
Y your pain "quiet" . How "talk" in your body?
Choose someone who can help "organizing ideas" , "harmonize the feelings" and restore joy.
all need healthy "an interested listener."
But it depends mainly on our personal effort to make moves happen in our lives.
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