The Hussar, written by Pérez-Reverte Aturo in 1,986, and edited by Punto de Lectura, for this issue, in the year 2008, is a book that recounts the experience of Frederic Glüntz, lieutenant of hussars of Napoleon's army, Andalusian territory in 1808. As a novel of the same era and characters included in the same army, as given in the Shadow of the Eagle "is not far, nor as ironic or humorous. On the contrary, much harder out in less than 200 pages the contradiction between the idealized vision of the battle as the path to lasting memory of history through the honor, bravery and courage of the men with the raw reality. The battle as the way to oblivion of solitude before death and horror in the confrontation between the men.
is a novel that I liked and recommended.
Curiously, on the cover, no picture of a hussar, but as a horse artillery of the Imperial Guard, painted by Jean-Baptiste Édouard Detailed.
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