Thursday, December 24, 2009

How To Connect 2 Computers To A Single Projector

8 pounds Canyon official

Both the artillery piece as officer to appear on stage belong to the line on foot artillery divisions Donzelot 2 nd and 3 rd of Marcognet. The two under the command of D'Erlon. He had fought Oñoro sources, Vitoria and the Pyrenees in the War of Independence. In the battle of Vitoria, Count D'Erlon , commanded the second line consists of two divisions of the Central Army (Armée du Centre), positioned on both sides of Camino Real in front of people Gomecha.

This diorama artillery officer has not even changed his cocked hat guidance. Position still remains in the column, which is to reflect the urgency of the situation is happening.

model uses two pistols An XI, with flintlock in the French entire box of walnut and reinforced butt as weapons. Something also unusual and non-regulatory, but very useful for defense in straitened circumstances, more so if we can imagine against a cavalry charge. His sword is not the regulation of 1,806, but the ancient sword of Consular period.

As part of a 8 is the cornerstone of the French artillery line, functional and very robust weapon. With a pipe 2 meters long (79 inches) and weighing more than half a ton (1,286 pounds), obtained a maximum range of 1.4 kilometers and shot an effective range of 730 meters, were accompanied by three harmonics with 213 rounds per gun.

Collection Artillery Scenarios " DeAgostini Planet


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