The siege of Cadiz by the French army, began on 5 February 1810, lasting until 24 August 1812 . Along with San Fernando (Isla de León at that time) is attacked by sixty thousand French soldiers under the command of Marshal C laude Victor . The defense of the city was in charge of 2,000 soldiers and nglish , reinforced subsequently, at the behest of the Duke of Albequerque, by twelve thousand men, more than 8,000 militants and citizens and 8,000 men making up the troops anglolusas .
anchored in the bay the British fleet of Admiral Purvis and the English Admiral Ignatius Álava. This allows the entry of supplies during the two and half years of siege.
In October 1. 810 Cádiz was sent to rescue an Anglo-English army relief does not reach its target after the defeat at the Battle of Fuengirola . A second rescue attempt was made from Tarifa in 1 .811, using the stir they made in support of Marshal Massena in retreat from Torres de Vrede. However, despite to defeat the French army led by Marshal Claude Victor the B Atalla of Barrosa , the site did not rise.
is in 1812, when a battle far removed from these lands, the Battle of Salamanca , when French troops were forced to withdraw from Andalusia , fearing of being surrounded by the allied armies.
Cadiz English is the only territory not occupied by French forces entire period that lasts the War of Independence.