Monday, June 7, 2010

How Much Daylight Is Gained In January

Tribute to Dionisio Álvarez Cueto in IMC 2010

The last weekend (5 and 6 June), in Toledo, I had the real pleasure of visiting the IMC 2,010. Miniatures International Contest in 2010, was a target for a large group of important miniaturist. All of them were concluded in the draft to make a tribute to Dionisio Álvarez Cueto. From my humble point of view, a goal more than achieved, in a high level, with facilities more than adequate and very good condition for those that we have fond that the plastic modeling. I want to thank the effort and the high standard shown by all participants and especially because I enjoyed very much.
leave only some of the pictures that my camera could compact perform. Quality are not enough to honor the work done, but I wanted to leave something on the blog that reviews the event.
also express my congratulations to the Association of King's Thirds, for organizing the 2010 IMC.
As links where you can see the processes of modeling and painting or honoree's own work can be used:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Best Non-comedogenic Concealer


Collaborator Humboldt Journal, Goethe Institut (Germany)

Collaborator The Superdemokraticos ( Germany)

Collaborator Replicant Magazine (Mexico)


Torn, Ana Rusch. Mexico. Literal, 2008.

90-00 contemporary Brazilian Tales ( Nelson de Oliveira and Maria Alzira Brum Lemos, comp.) Peru. Editorial Cope, 2009.

Apo Televid 77 Adapters


hidden names. Guatemala. Magna Terra, 2002.

Watermark. Guatemala.Editorial Culture, 2005.

sensitive Poems. México.Praxis, 2005.

Testamentofuturo ., 2007.

Síncopes . Mexico. Literal, 2007, Peru. Zign, 2007, Bolivia. Cartonera Mandrake, 2007.

2012 Black Box XX. Mexico. Wild Poets Network, 2009; Guatemala. Mata-mata Latin American Editions, 2010.

Syncope. (Alba Marina Escalon, trad.) France. Inside Rouge, 2010.

staircase to nowhere. Guatemala. Editorial catafixia, 2010.

Syncope . (Ana Rusche, trans.) Brazil, black demon (in press).

Night of Balam Mills (work in progress )

How To Install Cloest Rod Brackets


Main plural (Gustavo Guerrero, ant.) Spain. Pre-Textos, 2010.

and vertigo Saying (Julian Herbert, Rocío Cerón, León Plascencia Ñol, ant.) Mexico. Filodecaballos, 2005.

Post Acl Meniscus Surgery Pain


Síncopes, Alan Mills . By Gabriel Ruiz-Ortega. Siglo XXI, Spain.

between insomnia and the black light. By Héctor Hernández Montecinos. Lyrics S.5, Chile.

Pulp Poems. By Javier Payet. Sophos online, Guatemala.

The rate of violence: Síncopes , Alan Mills. By Aurelio Meza. Point Online, UNAM, Mexico.

Find Gay Cruising Spots Orlando


Translations into English by Jen Hofer in Aufgabe 8.

Translations into English by Jen Hofer in Mandorla 17.

Translations into Czech Petr Zavadil, in Souvislosti.

Translations into Portuguese by Ana Rusche, in Confraria do vento 23.

French translation by Alba-Marina Step in Retors 11 .

Translations into Italian by Silvia Favaretto in Fuori House 7.

Pros And Cons Sale Of Organs

to page 12. Argentina, 2009.

To Eternal Cadence. Argentina, 2009.

For Twenty-First Century. Guatemala, 2008.

to Radio France Internationale. France, 2008.

Ronald Flores. Guatemala, 2007.

Undigested Grains In Stool



III Meeting of Writers of the Pacific. Acapulco, Mexico. City of Acapulco. National Council for Culture and the Arts. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.

First International Meeting of American Literature. Rosario, Argentina. Park Cultural Center of Spain, Instituto Cervantes.

Latinale. Instituto Cervantes. Berlin, Germany.

Presentation Syncope. Instituto Cervantes. Paris, France .


International Poetry Festival. Rosario, Argentina. Cultural Center of Spain Park.

Salon du livre d'Amérique America. Paris, France.

Writer guest book fair in Chetumal. Quintana Roo, Mexico. State Secretary of Culture.

Guest Writer, New Wind Festival. Ecatepec, Mexico DF. Ecatepec de Morelos government.


Guest Writer, Casa de la Cultura Latinoamericana. Malmö, Sweden.

resident Poet, House of Roses. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Haroldo de Campos Space Poetry and Literature.

International Festival of Poetry. Medellin, Colombia.

International Festival of Poetry FLAP! Sao Paulo, Brazil.

International Festival of Poetry "Poquita Faith. " Santiago de Chile.

International Festival "Les belles étrangères." France. Centre National du Livre.


III International Festival of Poetry of Manzanillo. Colima, Mexico.

International Poetry Festival "Tordesilhas." Sao Paulo, Brazil.

International Poetry Festival "Vertigo Airs." Mexico, Distrito Federal.

International Festival "imaginary country." Lima, Peru.

Poetry Reading sensitive and Syncope , Casa de America. Madrid, Spain.


Reading, Circulo de Bellas Artes. Madrid, Spain.

Reading, City of Villarobledo. Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

II International Poetry Festival. Granada, Nicaragua.

II Encuentro Iberoamericano "Carlos Pellicer Camara." Tabasco, Mexico.


International Festival of Young Poets "I'm Outside. " Mexico, Distrito Federal.

International Festival "Poetry has the word", Casa de America. Madrid, Spain.

I Encuentro Iberoamericano "Carlos Pellicer Camara." Tabasco, Mexico.


II International Poetry Festival "Luis Cardoza y Aragón." Guatemala City, Guatemala. Centro Cultural de Mexico.


Standing Meeting of Poets in El Salvador.

IV Meeting Central American Poetas.San Salvador, El Salvador.

II International Poetry Festival. San Salvador, El Salvador.