/ National Liberation Army ELN
This May 30 will elect the next president of the republic for the period from 2010 to 2014. The analysis of the proposed national political reality by the traditional parties sees a tendency to run off between the candidates Juan Manuel Santos and Nohemi Sanin. Convinced that it will be the harbinger party, the two presidential candidates who until recently dotted surveys alone sharpen their proposals to convince voters of a country in which the constitutional right to freely elect their government depends Now the zeros of the ticket, the number of sacks of cement or tiles, the election day lunch, t-shirts and the promise of employment and all the perks offered by the candidates, demonstrating that in Colombia the misery weighs more than democracy. Juan Manuel Santos
manifest "fortitude, temperance, justice and tolerance" as qualities of his future presidential administration, but the strategy to keep until the end settled on the vice presidential choice of a formula to represent the qualities as an officer of the past governments war never had, a conciliator from the constituency, a minister of ex-union work that once conquered the workers confront a despotic government of Santos made the same party, a governor of Valle del Cauca committed to safety and, above all, an ambassador in Geneva has won prestige in international NGOs, are the strokes with which defines Santos Angelino Garzón permitted to use it to delete the image as a warmonger that former minister of defense won before the country and the world.
Nohemi Sanin for its part has continued to uphold democratic security and swear to continue the course of the war marked by the messiah Uribe. Using pantomime of belonging to a stronger party, participated and came out winner of the internal consultation of conservatism. This partial victory, however, was that his intention to convince voters of the legitimacy and political unity of the Conservative Party went to fret since Filmed Noriega will add to the formula of Santos, or since Uribito broke his promise to accept the results consultation inviting his followers to also join the Santos campaign against the ever energetic ambassador tantrum. To refine the picture of the Conservative Party, which is similar in this to the other parties, the former ambassador has avoided public comment about the links between militants of his party with the paramilitaries and gangs on the corruption that have part or the annexation of some of its members from as the PIN that in a country defenseless against the ruin of the "democratic" institutions that both peaks, got a huge vote in past elections. Nohemí lost here. But for similar reasons have lost and will lose the Liberal Party, the party of the U, the PIN and all political parties have formed a national history that colors and acronyms has justified war and anti-choice models whose only beneficiaries are popular been the ruling elites.
With that said, it's clear that poverty emanating from the neoliberal model and the bellicose stance represented in the democratic security policy will continue to accrue, now riding the crest of followers. There is nothing different, the same policies annexation, the same electoral vices, corrupt them or their descendants. The difference between the policies of Juan Manuel Santos and Nohemi Sanin is the same as that between two drops. The only battle between Juan Manuel Santos and Nohemi Sanin is bureaucratic, the distribution of posts in a government that at the head of one or another will remain narco-paramilitaries. The election dispute that the mass media would have us do to foster an environment in which everything remains the same and the establishment is legal and legitimate than ever, only convinces us that the only thing does not change and does not stop the corruption, fraud, vote buying and the despicable tricks to stay in power, while deepening unemployment, precarious health, and we reached 20 million and 7 million poor people in poverty , according to figures from the same DANE.
In times that the establishment ensures the Americans and their political bases warmongers control over resources and the Colombian people, in the shadow of social injustice that precarious situation of the majority, the popular sectors, their leaders and Social organizations do not indict their political strategies to take power in a unified manner. Personalism and sectarianism prevails. The democratic Polo lose ground in opposition if it continues internal partisan disputes, thereby circumventing its role as a generator of reflection and social mobilization unit, while their potential supporters choose to support war-mongering policies that, when embodied in characters like Evangelino Garzón, should cause uncertainty and brooding in leftist groups. Hence the importance of the bicentennial as a remembrance of a quest that began and it is our duty to continue, leading to social organization and the articulation of political projects designed from the indigenous, peasant, afro, urban students and those who recognize, demand and fought for the establishment of a new model to promote a government of nation, peace and equity.
The National Liberation Army stresses the organizational capacity of people to build popular power, strengthening the sovereignty struggle and safeguarding the dignity and social harmony. Insist on the new government process of peace and equity is tending to the grass-roots governance, democratic and nationalist in which the participation of social organizations, popular, revolutionary political and other country's fighting forces, advocating a social model recognizes and defends the interests of the majority.
War Front
FGC Central National Liberation Army ELN