Acacia saligna
MAGNOLIA A shade tree to cool the house and garden so natural glass should be wide, also work for wooded paths. This is a great way to care for the environment and save energy in cooling houses.
• Acer negundo (maple, box elder, maple negundo, Bordo, American Maple, ash-leaf maple)
• Acer platanoides (Norway maple, Acirón, Maple aplatanado, Board of Norway, Norway Maple, Norway Maple, Maple banana leaf)
• Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore, sycamore maple, false banana, Blade, Banana bastard)
• Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut, Chestnut crazy, buckeye, horse chestnut)) • Aesculus x carnea
(Chestnut rose pink flower Chestnut, Horse Chestnut red buckeye red flower)
• Ailanthus altissima (Ailanto, Tree of the Gods, False varnish, Tree of Heaven, Japan varnish, Sumac False) Albizia julibrissin
• Durazzo (Acacia of Constantinople Albizia Tree of Constantinople, Parasol from China, the silk tree, silk tree, Acacia of Persia, Persian Acacia, Acacia taperera)
• populneus Brachychiton (Bottle Tree, Brachichito, Brachichiton, Braquiquito, Braquiquito white Esterculia)
• Broussonetia papyrifera (Paper Mulberry , Moral from China, mulberry paper, mulberry, Japan)
• Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarina, Australian Pine)
• bignonioides Catalpa (Catalpa, Catalpa americana)
• bungei Catalpa (Catalpa ball , Bunge Catalpa, Manchurian Catalpa)
• Celtis australis (hackberry, hackberry, hackberry, tinker, Lodon, Lodon, Lidón, Lironero)
• Celtis occidentalis (American Almez)
• Cercis siliquastrum (Cercis, Judea Tree, Tree of Love, Judas Tree, Redbud, Algarrobo crazy)
• Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor Tree, Camphor, Camphor )
• Citrus aurantium (bitter orange)
• Delonix regia (Flamboyan, Flamboyant, Flame Tree)
• Eleagnus angustifolia (Tree of Paradise, Bohemian Olivo, Olivo of Paradise, Panjil, Panji)
• Ficus microcarpa (Laurel pig, Ficus nitida)
• Fraxinus excelsior (Common Ash, European Fresno, Fresno black)
• ornus Fraxinus (Ash flower, Oven, Maná Fresno, Fresno odor)
• G led itschia triacanthos (honey locust thorns, three-prong Acacia, Black Acacia)
• mimosifolia Jacaranda (Jacaranda, Rosewood, Tarco)
• Koelreuteria paniculata (Jabonero of China, Lanterns, Sapindo of China, Tree of lanterns, Kolreuteria) Koelreuteria paniculata
• Lagunaria patersonii (Andrews) (Lagunaria Tree pica-pica)
• Ligustrum lucidum Ait. (Ligustrum arboreal disciplined privet)
• Melia azedarach (Cinnamon, Melia, Agriaz, Agrion, Amelia, Holy Tree, Mirabobo)
• Morus alba (mulberry, white mulberry, Moral white)
• Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine, Aleppo pine, Alepensi Pino, Pino tilefish edge Pino, Pino Carrasqueño)
• Pinus pinea (stone pine, umbrella pine, Pino doncel , real Pino) \u200b\u200b
• Platanus orientalis (O smiling banana, banana East) • Platanus x hispanica
Mill (Plane tree, banana ride)
• Populus deltoides Marshall (American Poplar, Poplar Caroline, Poplar Virginia)
• Populus x canadensis Moench (Chopo of Canada, Alamo)
• Prunus cerasifera (Plum red Pissard cherry, Japanese plum, Japanese plum, plum mirobolán, Myrobalans Plum, Prunus pisardi, Plum pissardi, Pisardi, Cherry Garden)
• Robinia pseudoacacia (Robinia, False Acacia, White Acacia, Acacia bastard)
• Sophora japonica (Japanese Acacia Tree of the pagodas , Sofora)
• avellanedae Tabebuia (Lapacho pink) platyphyllos
• Tilia (Linden large leaves, large-leaved lime, lime Holland, white tile) Moench
• Tilia tomentosa (Silver Linden)
• Tipuana tipu (Tipuana, Palo Rose, Tipa)
• Ulmus pumila (Siberian Elm, Siberian Elm, Olmo pumila, Olmo Turkestan)