Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Is The Cramping Before A Bfp

Miniatures Association Dos de Mayo, like other years we are still getting used to the Christmas exhibition at the Museum of the City of Madrid . From December 1 to January 15 brings us figures from all periods of great quality. Although this year is dedicated to the Middle Ages are not does not appear representative figures of the period of the War of Independence. It is always nice to be able to enjoy the work of artists in this of miniatures. Finally to thank the organizers and artists who make it possible for every year at this time we have the chance to enjoy this exhibition. Just want it to be for many years.


Friday, December 17, 2010

What Does A Visual Merchandiser Do Everyday


Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Do They Give Radiotherapy To Cervical Spine

Venus Project - Zeitgeist Movement / video explaining

What is the Zeitgeist Movement ?

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Household Item Makes The Safest Lube

Garrochero / vaulter vaulter

E s varied information we can find about the famous dance or pole vaulter Xerez Lancers. Pick up several interesting articles on the subject.

The vaulter Dance - Xerez Lancers. 1,808

This is the official name of the famous pike or pole vaulter of Bailen, formed in the 3 rd Division, General D. Manuel de la Peña, the number of 400 riders.
are old Andalusian cattle herders who were experts in the pole vault (Lance) and jockeys, General Manuel de la Peña was kind enough to include these pastors as fighters against the French invaders . Many are the heroic deeds of these Andalusian during the resistance.

In "The vaulter in Bailen" in D. Manuel Gómez Imaz, describes the typical costume of these brave Andalusians:
"The dress of the riders was very original, graceful and gallant, the hat, called Franciscans, surrounded by broad black lace or thick ribbon pinned to bow, Estes sucks with straps and fringes, vest open environment on foot neck, revealing the shirt with colored handkerchief knotted belt, tight pants to below the knees, with wide strip to the side and toggle buttons where you could see the bust of the king with the legend "Viva Fernando VII" open loot, and under what could be seen between it and the pants fit the measured blue or white, and red bandana on his head, tied at the nape, whose peaks fell by under the hat on the back, revealing the long queue of yarn wrapped in netting, weapons, hunting knife in his belt, and long pole, in many bartered the puja by spear blade.

"Bailen vaulter"

That volunteer regiment of lancers on 16 July Mengíbar making and the command of Captain Joseph Cheriff fought so brave and reckless suffering heavy casualties including their captain, three days later in dance would strike force against the first French line.

Historians do not agree on the number of riders that made up this force, which according to sources, can range between 250 and 450 troops, of whom nearly a hundred came from Utrera. We favor a figure close to the second, since the 4 th Division of General Manuel de la Peña, which were framed our pole vaulter, had in total with only 540 riders, and these were mostly the Lancers to which we mean.

In the municipal archives of Jerez, as she recounts her now responsible Adolfo Rodríguez del Rivero in an article in the forties of last century, the names of many who volunteer for this unit. In the same says: "Antonio Martin, introduces her son John Martin with his horse and pole of fighting. Ignacio Arrom and his son John accompanied by five other men with horses and lances. Gonzalo and his nephew Manuel Roca horse and pole vault. Sestelo Sunday, three men held for him with horses and lances. Angulo Bartholomew, his son and five other men with horses and spears and all his wealth. Francisco Orbach, two servants on horseback with lances. " And so a list more than a hundred men with horses and spears that were allegedly many more, all from the municipality of Jerez.
these vaulter's uniform was original and typical red handkerchief on his head attached to the neck whose peaks fell on the back revealing a queue wrapped in black mesh hat with bow calanes, short jacket with straps and fringes, vest open environment by sticking out a handkerchief tied around his neck, black or red belt, tight pants to the knee and open loot which showed mean az Ules or white. His weapons: a hunting knife in his belt and a long pole cutting the bulls to many they had changed the puja for spearhead.
Enrolled in the division commanded by General Manuel de la Peña, were superb horsemen who could easily maneuver between olive groves, and so fearful charged at full gallop with a wedge formation that decimated the enemy vanguard, breaking and entering to the main body through the olive groves, shouting: Spain Jerez, after them, and the cows!. Following the tremendous shock, our riders were primed to go after the French, until their numerical superiority over the value of the pole vault. Needless to say that most were killed, did not survive more than thirty of them. Those bold Utrera lancers and volunteers Jerez amazed plainclothes officers for their bravery both Napoleon and clothing as their arms: those long, thick spears of three meters in length never before seen in a battle. A legend was born: "The Bailen vaulter."
After the battle many would vaulter Jerez swelling that followed the English army cavalry, a circumstance which brought the French in check until their final departure of soil. This might expect from a side published in February of 1810 hung in the streets of our city when Napoleon's troops occupied the Jerez said. Among many other enforcement measures read: "Everyone that helps the vaulter will be shot or hanged. Which alert to arrest them is rewarded with four real and if it is a soldier will be promoted.
In these times when so many monuments have been erected in Jerez justice would be that our municipal authorities were considering erecting something to remind present and future generations the deeds of these heroes who gave their lives Jerez to defend their homeland and its people of the Napoleonic barbarism.

Center for Historical Studies Jerez

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Was A British Pound Worth In The 1800

No. 1 short walk while walking

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Which Weight Machines Are Best For Boobs

Bailen 1808 Francisco de Longa

eseoso D images that refer to this period of time devoted to the Blog and no greater aim than fill that need, I have dared, once again, to make "copies" of one teacher: Jose M. Well. In the book of "Andalusia and its militias," the author said, a picture, signing on 1,989, one of the famous pole vaulter of Bailen. Participants in that battle, the importance of all known for the bad publicity to the invincible army of Napoleon, has a black and white drawing on which I dare "copy" and "color."
Already in next posts I will tell you both the book and themselves Xerez garocho or Lancers. For now I leave another image from that of Internet search so difficult.
Of course I accept any kind of criticism .... All not able to be constructive.

Real Inserting Tampon Clip

Route No 17 River Alagón-Sotoserrano-decks.

On Saturday November 11 will make a path the lower Rio Alagon by the municipality of Sotoserrano.

Alagón Valley, lower course, taxing final stretch before the dam waters Gabriel y Galán.

Board of rivers and Alagón Main Man at the place known as "The Spur " in Sotoserrano.

Area orchards in the lower river cuso Alagón.
"The Lot" , Sotoserrano.
Fisheries along
the mouth of the River Main Man.

Colleges Cultural Fest

Route # 16 Route mycological.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Venting Washing Machine Through Wall

Route No. 15 Valley

On Saturday October 23 this route through the valley of the Batuecas. We were joined by some colleagues in Puertollano, the IES "Juan de Tavora Commander."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

12.02.1086 Treiber Rotronic

Squadron Hunters

"F rancisco Longa, of guerrillas General in the War of Independence. Story of a guerrilla "is a book containing the research that its author, Jose Pardo de Santayana y Gómez de Olea, made for four years. LEYNFOR is published by Siglo XXI, SA, in Madrid in 2007.
As Longa's character stand out its participation in the War of Independence in the area of \u200b\u200bBurgos and Alava. It was a civilian who, being a blacksmith and twenty and some years, takes charge of a game 100 men, working in joint action with Abecia. Using the terrain as an ally (mountain passes, gorges convoys ambushed ...), Napoleonic to exterminate their constituents and take possession of the cargo, or mail transported. He left more than one spot and escaped more than a pursuit of the imperial army. In short, the definition of a full-fledged guerrilla. After be increasing in number, it can create the Division and as Colonel Iberia takes over Castro Urdiales after defeating the French in Hub and Miranda.
His most pointed moment in the War of Independence arrives in his speech at the Battle of Vitoria, where under the command of Sir Graham, takes Gamarra Menor, cutting path of retreat of the French towards safe place, even to participate in their persecution. Also taking part in the flights, at the battle of San Marcial and enters Lapurdi with Wellington.
As for the book to emphasize that the issue is very good, with color pictures, maps of the peninsula contextualize the Longa moments and movements in relation to the general situation on the Peninsula, 3D maps for specific actions , timelines relating the War of Independence times goes through the departure of Francisco de Longa. In short, highly recommended.
If anything is not in physical release, they have an address: where you can access from their own book, author information, ... and the most interesting you can download and even give you directions to make a good impression of the specimen.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Most Romantic Love Making Vids